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Why so many crises happen when we know why they happen and how to prevent them
Jon Danielsson argues that failures in regulation is a key reason for financial crises, and proposes that the financial authorities instead adopt diversification...
Elections and fiscal and monetary expansion
An unprecedented number of voters will go to the polls globally in 2024. Jeffrey Frankel discusses incumbent’s efforts to buoy the economy and the post-election...
“Know thyself” – avoiding policy mistakes in light of the prevailing climate science
Failure to meet the Paris climate goals poses economic challenges that have an impact on central banks’ work, argues Frank Elderson. To avoid long-term...
Not a ‘side dish’: new industrial policy and competition
Industrial policy is undergoing a major resurgence. Cristina Caffarra and Nathaniel Lane argue that getting Europe to improve performance will require...
The role of fiscal policy - what recent research shows
The global economy has seen a major financial crisis and a worldwide pandemic. Patrick Minford reviews the attempts to model these events and suggests...
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