
How to cut the United Kingdom debt interest
UK bond yields are currently higher than the G7 average. Sushil Wadhwani argues that the UK government can reduce its debt interest bill by increasing the proportion of index-linked gilts being issued
Trapped! China and the ‘middle-income trap’
There has been a recent growth deceleration in China. Lucio Vinhas de Souza considers the challenges facing China and argues the final answer will have truly historical results
Economic pathways: a new approach to climate policy
Stringent climate policies are needed to reach temperature targets. Lucas Bretschger argues that theory-based scenarios are a powerful tool to induce efficient decarbonisation policies
Carbon pricing and inflation volatility
Carbon pricing initiatives have mushroomed in the last two decades. Daniel Santabárbara and Marta Suárez-Varela evaluate the impact of emissions trading and carbon tax on inflation
Europe’s demographic winter and the new EU fiscal rules
The EU recently settled on a revision of its fiscal rules. Martin Larch and Matthias Busse argue that a careful assessment of the uncertainty surrounding population projections is necessary
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