Global economy

Trapped! China and the ‘middle-income trap’
There has been a recent growth deceleration in China. Lucio Vinhas de Souza considers the challenges facing China and argues the final answer will have truly historical results
The return of industrial policies in advanced economies
Industrial policies are increasingly used in advanced economies. Valentine Millot and Łukasz Rawdanowicz discuss the pros and cons of such policies and outline principles to inform policy guidelines
Europe’s demographic winter and the new EU fiscal rules
The EU recently settled on a revision of its fiscal rules. Martin Larch and Matthias Busse argue that a careful assessment of the uncertainty surrounding population projections is necessary
A strategy for European competitiveness
Europe’s prosperity, competitiveness, and its market power are derived from the single market. Kristalina Georgieva argues that preserving Europe’s competitive edge will require a well-thought out, multi-pronged...
Why Europe must safeguard its global currency status
Amid geopolitical shifts Piero Cipollone argues Europe needs to further develop the infrastructure for making crossborder payments in euro with key partners
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