Capital markets

Non-bank risks, financial stability and the role of private credit
Over recent years private credit has become an important source of funding for some corporates. Lee Foulger sets out the FPC’s approach to assessing financial stability risks, and where non-banks and in...
The path forward for bank capital reform
Michelle Bowman considers the proposed Basel III reforms, and sees a path forward if the proposal was revised to address its two greatest shortcomings: over-calibration and a lack of regulatory tailoring
Tax incidence and deposit relocation risks
Unremunerated reserves in the Eurosystem. Robert McCauley and Julien Pinter argue that imposing unremunerated reserves on euro area banks would likely push bank intermediation offshore out of the euro...
Unremunerated reserves in the Eurosystem: heads I win, tails you lose
Unremunerated reserves in the Eurosystem. Robert McCauley and Julien Pinter argue that turning huge remunerated excess bank reserves into zero-yielding required reserves is a tax on banks
Artificial intelligence and financial stability
The use of artificial intelligence is accelerating. Jon Danielsson argues that although AI will bring considerable benefits, it also raises new challenges and can even destabilise the financial system
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